Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Lost Season Premier YAY! The Beginning Of The End

Since the writers strike began back in November, we have been forced to wade through an endless sea of reality shows and reruns. It's been a long hard struggle for the average TV fan, but ABC has finally thrown us the life raft we have so desperately been waiting for, Lost has returned!
It doesn't really matter that despite fans enduring patience over Lost's eight month hiatus, it's will not be a complete season. Only eight episodes to be exact. It only matters that TV viewers can bask in the greatness that is Lost, if only for a moment.
Thursday's season premier was all that it promised it would be and lived up to every bit of its much anticipated hype. In true Lost fashion, the show answered only a few of last seasons burning questions and created a hundred new ones. Last seasons big reveal (other than Jack's beard) was that some of the survivors of Oceanic flight 815 do get off the island, (Jack & Kate among them), but not everyone. Jack desperate attempt at suicide & persuading Kate that they should go back to help the others survivors, left us wondering who was left on the Island and who escaped with Jack & Kate?
The geniuses over at Lost, before going on strike, threw us a bone in the first few minutes of the episode. After showing a future Hurly apprehended after being chased by police in LA., Hurly tells the officers that he is one of the "Oceanic 6". So Jack, Kate, and Hurly make three. This leaves us with a more specific question, who are the other three survivors that make up this "Oceanic 6"?
Future Hurly is then committed to a mental hospital (which reminds us of another question, why was pre-crash, pre-lotto winner Hurly instituted, oh the questions never end). The mental breakdown is a result of whatever lead the six to getting off the island. Not to mention Hurly begins being visited by a very dead Charlie (Lost viewers know they should always be wary of getting too attached, they will kill anyone off on this show), who is telling him that he needs to go back to the island to save the others. All to reminiscent of the sentiments we heard voiced by future Jack (AKA bearded Jack) in last seasons finale.
Meanwhile back at the beach, the survivors have reached the radio tower. Thanks to Charlie's pre-drowning heroic efforts, they have been able to use Naomi's satellite phone to call her people back on the boat. Naomi, for those of you who didn't watch the recap, is the lady who fell from the sky and claimed to be part of a rescue mission, looking for Desmond. They've been hired by Penny, Desmond's long lost love. Naomi of course, was stabbed immediately after making the call by Locke, who claims she is not who she says she is. This, being what Ben, leader of "the Others' has been claiming all along.
What the hopeful survivors don't know, is that before meeting his watery death, Charlie talked to Penny via satellite and found out that she was not in charge of any rescue mission, and had no idea who Naomi was. Charlie was able to pass this on to Desmond before drowning. Desmond's reached the beach and tells the group on the beach. The group on the beach meets up with the group heading back from the tower where the dividing begins. Some heed Charlie's warning and take cover inland, lead by Locke. The rest stay with Jack & Kate on the beach to await rescue.
After watching this show, it is clear to me that the writers are absolute geniuses. They should be given everything they are asking for in this strike, because they deserve it. At least the writers of Lost due. If nothing else, they should be given permission from the writers guild to finish the season of Lost. Regardless, after the exhilarating season premier, the next seven episodes should be just as heart pumping. Simply put, this is good television.